Member-only story
Undercover he’s your brother when she’s not mister shes play
sister, no more sheets on public streets paused kissing beeks
now peck on cheeks, secrets to keep no space for leaks,
keeping the hide incase they seek, constantly in fear of who
may peek, these tip toes one day will step on creek, that sound
will awake them all from sleep, causing all eyes around to set
you free, Instantly reacting you’ll jump to feet, feeling
unprepared in paired awkward scene, everyone will pry and
prepare a speech, turning into trial from the mistaken breech,
longer will paradise feel of peace, as the prosecution
damages the sneak, The once away never again in reach, you’ll
join the label of artistic freaks, out of love they don’t tell you
what they truly think, but upon their face expressing this gives
me creeps, As they picture same sex lover thoughts are deep,
Forever they’ll see your union as incomplete, always they feel
hetorosex has no compete, leaving your whole union to feel