Madre’s Cord

2 min readJul 5, 2021



They cut the cord when you gave me life

I saw you my angel upon opening my eyes

Not knowing your beauty would ignite my sight

You guided me out of darkness into light

Inside your arms I felt no fright

The sound of your heartbeat calmed me at night

Always taught me wrong from right

My Santa, hero, tooth fairy and rescuer of my cries

You Never gave up when loose ends were tight

My existence motivated your continuance to fight

There are no words to reimburse your price

Of all the things you so humbly sacrificed

Till this day you put yourself behind

Selfless you give me first place in line

You are what I call one of a kind

Nobody like you I’ll never find

Yes we may argue fuss and fight

But I thank God for every minute of time

And the fact he chose you to be mines

The daughter of a mother whose by my side

Helped me to reach goals above my height




Hello fans I am LGBT & proud! I love to write poetry, stories, & autobiographies my goal is to make myself more known in the online writing world