2 min readNov 16, 2020

That vacation from doing right comes with navigation to the island of wrong, where the conscious filled with guilt feels right at home, That clock is still tickin, past decide , must live with decisions, can’t undo the done that’s gone, your by yourself but never alone, repetitive thoughts apologetic will chaperone. Distractions temporarily shadow the presence of the effects like watchin porn to self please in place of sex, Its a short relief but it does not release the stress. Taking the shortcut isn’t just simply an alternate route reality unknowingly you suffer by missing out. On everything one and scene along the way, things inexperienced previously bright become gray. Island trees produce a breeze that whispers what if? Unfortunate but true time travel doesn’t exist, Life only provides revelation of truth as a gift. Resolution depends, on what the delivery man intends, If the motive is only to establish clean hands, then repetition is the receipt for the receiver pre-planned. Negative emotions won’t expire when plans of wrong continue to conspire, as long as wanting to do good is on retire. Feelings of resent , contemplating the action of repent, doesn’t erase future sin, It informs those around you of honest intent, necessary data required to amend.




Hello fans I am LGBT & proud! I love to write poetry, stories, & autobiographies my goal is to make myself more known in the online writing world